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  • In 1981, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court referred to abortion as a “fundamental right” and said that the Massachusetts Constitution afforded a greater degree of protection to that right than did the U.S. Constitution.

  • This ruling went further by determining that some Massachusetts women, depending on their financial status, had a constitutional right to have their abortions paid for by the taxpayer.

First Step:
Amend the State Constitution


The recently filed petition to amend the state constitution will begin the process of stopping taxpayer funded abortions.

This amendment would remove public funding of abortion from the courts and make it an issue for the legislature.

The amendment would lay the groundwork so that in the future the legislature could vote to stop that funding

How to Start...


Collect Certified Signatures

  • 120,000 raw signatures are needed to obtain 80,239 certified signatures.

  • Signatures must be collected between mid- September and mid-November 2019.


We need YOUR help to collect signatures!  Please consider volunteering to help get this important petition drive moving forward.  Please sign up HERE to help.

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